

Often a taboo, only with women. Masturbation is seen as a man’s only affair. women do not need to masturbate and is often not acceptable by the women herself. Many think of it as a dirty little thing or secret which they keep it to themselves. If anyone asks a woman, Do u ever masturbate? She is usually quick to say no!

But why does it have to bring a shame?

When its considered a sign of masculinity and an everyday affair with men, why should a woman shy away?

Her body, her choice and nothing to be ashamed of .

Women are cerebro centric, whereas men are Genito centric.

Desires do arise in the brain for women, every part of the sexual cycle arises from the brain, arousal, orgasm, climax everything is connected to the brain. Women get stimulated on non-genital touching, on kissing, holding hands and giving them flowers.

Women are superior sexual beings, as the sexual cycle doesn’t have a pause for them. Men can have orgasm only once, whereas women can have multiple orgasms. So who can stop her?

Masturbation offers many benefits, and it isn’t wrong, what can guarantee good sleep and reduced stress. Masturbation can be a way for individuals to explore their own bodies, learn about their sexual response, and understand what brings them pleasure.

And one more thing, masturbation does not cause pimples. Old wives tale, where people told you this, so you stayed away from it (as if it was harmful )

Go ahead and give yourself a happy go!
