
Fertility - Male and Female

Sexual Medicine

Aesthetic Gynaecology

Surgical Procedures

Surgical procedures are done in state-of-the-art infrastructure and by a well-experienced surgeon.

Vaginoplasty: For lax or loose vagina

Labiaplasty: For Uneven labia

Clitoral hood reduction: For a long clitoral hood

Perineoplasty: For wide vaginal opening following childbirth

Vulvar rejuvenation: For a sagging vulva, due to menopause, fillers using fat or synthetic fillers can help improve the appearance

Functional Gynaecology

Cancer Rehabilitation Program

A carefully tailored program consisting of lifestyle medicine, and intimate health, for women with cancers or survivors, for their new normal life.

Menopausal program

A unique program to help peri and post-menopausal women deal with the distressing symptoms of menopause including intimate health

Vaginal Tightening, Non-Surgical

If you Suffer from Vaginal Looseness and have a Leakage of Urine On Coughing, You do not have to suffer anymore.

Vaginal Tightening uses Energy Based Machines, Which Can Alleviate the Symptoms. The Procedure is Pain-Free, Does Not need Anaesthesia, and one can resume work immediately. 

Intimate Face Lift

The Intimate Face of a Woman Deserves Special Attention, for those who experience laxity, dryness in The Vagina, and Reduced Sexual Pleasure, A Combination of PRP and Non-Surgical tightening to make you feel more confident. 

Intimate Female Shots

For Women to experience reduced Sexual Pleasure, this is to make you feel themselves again.

Botox For Vaginismus

If you Experience Painful Sex or Have difficulty in Intercourse, after Detailed Sexual Health Counselling, Tailored Practices to make you feel better. 

Did U Know, Botox can be used in the Vagina to Relive Painful Intercourse?

Light Therapy

For Women with repeated Vaginal Infections, and Itching, this Treatment Is the most effective.

Many Women with Long-Time Vaginal Infection And Itching face low self-esteem which could affect the quality of work.

Intimate Area Whitening

Dark Inner thighs and Vulva can often be distressing. Our Treatment Regimen for Discolouration will help you get rid of them. 

Say bye to Inner Thighs and get ready to bring back the summer shorts!